How To Default R-Series NVRs From An Attached Monitor

Step One: Access the Menus and Login 

  1. Click the four box icon in the bottom left corner with an upwards arrow and click setupr1.png
  2. Login to the NVR with the default username and password if it hasn't been changed. If you do not know the password, please contact us at or 855-340-9999 . The Default login is as follows:
    1.  Username: admin
    2.  Password: admin789r2.png

Step Two: Navigate to the Load Default Menu and Default

  1. Select "Maintenance" under "System"r3.png
  2. Select "Load Default" and check "Select All" then hit "Apply"r4.png
  3. Enter the password in the "Authentication" menu and select "Authenticate"r5.png
  4. The NVR will now Default to factory settings and reboot
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