This guide will walk you through setting up the doorbell using a Windows computer. This guide is useful for a few scenarios:
You're unable to get the doorbell added to your wifi using the app
You want to view the Doorbell on your local network without adding it to the cloud
-Before we begin you will need the Batch Configuration Tool. You can download it here
-You will also need a computer that's able to connect to wifi. In this guide Windows 10 is being used although the process should be similar if not the exact same for earlier versions of windows.
1. Open the list of wifi connections by clicking on the network icon in the lower right corner of your taskbar. You will see a wifi name that begins with "Softap" which is the doorbells wifi that we need to connect to. Select it and type in the password which will be softap_[6 letter verification code]. For example, your password might be something like this: softap_FUSBNC. The verification code is case sensitive.
Common Question: What is the verification code and where can I find it?
A: The verification code is the password to the doorbell and can be found on the sticker on the back of the DB2 or more easily can be found on the sticker located on the front cover of the Quickstart Guide.
2. Once your computer is connected to the doorbells wifi run the Batch Configuration Tool and you will see a top and bottom section. In the bottom section you should see the doorbell listed with an Inactive status and an IP address of Don't worry about activating the doorbell, activating is not required. Click the add button on the top section then type in the information below into each field:
IP Address:
Port: 8000
Username: admin
Password: Verification Code
Click Okay. You should now see it in the top section of BCT (Batch Config Tool).
3. Now that we have it added to BCT click the Gear icon under Operation in the top section. This will take you to the doorbells configuration. Click Network then Wi-Fi. Next click the Select button and choose your wifi from the list then input your wifi password in the password field. Click Save.
Batch Config Tool frozen?
The doorbell is now connecting to your wifi which may cause BCT to freeze. If so, close it and reopen it.
4. You should now see the doorbell in the bottom section with a different IP address than, if so the doorbell has successfully connected to your wifi.
If you want to use the doorbell locally only (LAN) you're all set. Stop Here.
Lan Connection Limitations
Note: When the doorbell is connected to only the LAN the call function (when someone presses the button) & notifications will not work.
If you want to add the doorbell to the app so that it operates normally continue reading below
Account Information
If you've tried to set up the doorbell prior to reading this guide more than likely you created an account on the app using your phone number or email address. You can check which method you used by going to "Me" in the lower right corner of the app. If you see a username (often consisting of random letters and numbers) at the top then you have an account registered.
5. To add the doorbell to your account go to and sign in with the same account as you created in the app. If you registered with:
Your email address: Use the email address and your password to login.
Your phone number: Use the username shown on the app and your password to login.
Once logged into Guarding Vision click Add in the upper right. Type in the serial number to your NSC-DB2 (Found on the same sticker as the verification code) then click Search. It should find your doorbell after a few seconds, next click the + button then type in the verification code. After clicking OK another window will pop up where you can change the name of the doorbell (optional), all the other settings on this window should be left at default. Click OK to finish and you should now see it listed on the Guarding Vision webpage.
How do I get it to show up in the app?
To view it in the app simply refresh your devices by pulling down on the device list.
The doorbell setup using only a computer is now complete.